Support Local Radio Reading

Please help give your blind and print-handicapped neighbors a chance to read. Make a much-needed contribution to The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service! Listeners throughout Western New York and Southern Ontario's Niagara Peninsula depend on local radio reading everyday for news, entertainment, and vital information. Now, their NFFRS depends on you.

The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service does not require a subscription. No one is forced to pay for access to radio reading programming. Some listeners are unable to contribute their "voluntary subscriber fee," making donations from supporters so very important.

Your donation will help keep the NFRRS "on-the-air" for those without sight. Please contribute what you can.

Send your tax-deductible donation to:
The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service
1199 Harlem Rd.,
Buffalo, NY 14227

Thank you for supporting local, 24/7 radio reading!

More ways you can help

Dash's Supermarkets
If you shop at Dash's, you could be raising money for the NFRRS! Our agency receives $2.50 for every $100 in Dash's register tapes we collect! They really add up!
Mail your Dash's tapes to: The NFRRS, 1199 Harlem Rd., Buffalo, NY 14227 or drop them off at our studios. and
An easy and free way to help the NFRRS! Every time you make a search on, our agency receives a penny (if you choose The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service as your charity). Also, many online vendors donate a portion of their sales to our agency when you make purchases using Either way, your helping keep radio reading "on-the-air."

Spread the Word
Tell your family, friends and co-workers you support the NFRRS.
‘Like’ us Facebook.
Most importantly, if you know someone who might benefit from having a "reading radio," have them call us at 716-821-5555.