Guests: Brianna Gower and Melanie Hecker
Topic: “Covid-19 Vaccination in NYS" Guide
Duration: 5:36
Published: May 21, 2021
Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guests today are Brianna Gower, the Director and Melanie Hecker, a Council Member of the Young Leaders and Advocates Network (YLAN), and your host is yours truly Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program ladies.
Guest: Thank you.
Host: Although we do have a reason that's very timely, that we're talking to you, for people that might not have heard if you could just briefly describe what the YLAN is?
Guest: Of course, the YLAN is a statewide network run for and by young people with disabilities, and we work to ensure that young people are meaningfully involved in all decisions that affect us.
Host: Well that was very succinct, I appreciate that. Then on to the main topic. YLAN has produced a very thorough going and moderately succinct Guide to COVID-19 Vaccination in New York State, which will be available from WNYIL, electronically, and eventually in print forms. So, I'd like to ask you what prompted the creation of this booklet?
Guest: So, I had the idea for this booklet. Shortly after the vaccine became available to people with disabilities under the age of 65, I remember what that time was like back in February and that it was absolute chaos that people were confused about how to get a vaccine appointment, what they needed to bring to their vaccine appointment, all of the different places that were offering the vaccine, what information they needed to provide in order to get a vaccine appointment. And I have a sort of hobby of helping out people in the disability community with obtaining resources. And so, a lot of people come to me, when they're looking for Disability Resources and a lot of people were coming to me with questions and concerns about how to get a vaccine. So, I figured the best way to help everyone would be to write a guide about it.
Host: Very good. You've already mentioned some of the things that you're covering in the guide. What sections you haven't yet to be mentioned?
Guest: So, besides what I've mentioned about different places that are offering vaccines at the moment, eligibility criteria, the different type of information that you will need to be providing to people who offer vaccines. We also talk about what to expect at your vaccine appointment, and the different side effects that may happen after your vaccine.
Host: Well, that sounds like a place where people can get answers to a lot of their questions. One thing that's come up increasingly in discussions of vaccination is vaccine hesitancy, whether it because of concern about the rapid development of the vaccine, political beliefs, or concern about anything coming from the government in some quarters, people are putting off the decision to be vaccinated. In the minute we have left, could you mention why these are concerns that are not real issues?
Guest: Certainly, while there are a lot of very good reasons why the development of this vaccine was so much faster than other vaccines that may have been developed in history, it has nothing to do with cutting corners regarding safety. Here's the real reasons why this has been so fast. First of all, in the past, vaccines are very, very expensive to develop. And in the past people had to fight for money in funding before they could develop a vaccine, just like we have to fight for money and funding for pretty much any project to help people. Because of the widespread nature of this pandemic, governments and corporations and private citizens were throwing every dollar they had at this vaccine.
Host: I'm sorry but we're out of time. I'm sure people still have questions, how can they get more information?
Guest: So, for more information you can visit our website at and you can contact us at as well.
Host: Thanks so much for being with us. You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guests today were Brianna Gower, Director and Melanie Hecker, Council Member with the YLAN in your host was yours truly Ernie Churchwell