Guest: Douglas Bisher and Yahida Perez
Topic: Lockport Overdose Awareness Day Rally
Duration: 5:17
Published: August 5, 2021
Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guests today are Douglas Fisher and yeah Yahida Perez, who are Addict 2 Addict Niagara Peer Support Specialists at Independent Living of Niagara County (ILNC). I'm your host Ernie Churchwell, welcome to the program folks.
Guest: Thank you for having us, Ernie.
Host: It's our pleasure. And you've got a big event to discuss, but just to put it in context, although the COVID 19 pandemic has tended to grab the headlines, many people might not be aware that during the 16 or so months overdoses and suffering from addiction has actually been on the increase, and you have a way to call the public's attention to that. Can you tell us about Lockport Overdose Awareness Day Rally?
Guest: I'll be happy to Ernie, thank you, thank you for your time. So this is our 5th annual Lockport Overdose Awareness Day Rally that's being held in Lockport at Veterans Park in Lockport, New York August 31 which is a Tuesday this year, starts at 5:00 p.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m. What you can expect at this day will be free Narcan training with additional resources available, different agencies from within our community, tabling with their information as well, speakers from different backgrounds, a plethora of different people from law enforcement to judges to family members to people in recovery, family members who have lost people. There's a flameless candlelight vigil with a bell ringing ceremony for every life that has been lost to overdose in Niagara county and the surrounding counties, that's held at the end, along with the memorial table to honor the loved ones, and they can bring pictures of their loved ones if they'd like to celebrate their life.
Host: And yet, I believe you've got some more aspects to tell us.
Guest: Yes, thank you, Ernie. We're also working with Niagara Falls and local businesses in the county, and they're going to be illuminating the color purple in lights for a short period of time at 10:00 p.m.
Host: Well you've managed to cover a whole lot of territory in a short time, but I have some questions. For people that want to attend the live event I presume that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines will be observed considering that there have been some spikes in the pandemic, sufferings in of late what all is taking place in that regard?
Guest: So, the park is a very big park, so there'll be plenty of room for social distancing. First of all, all the PPE, there'll be a table for that, sanitization table as well and all the PPE will be properly dispensed that day, for those that requested or need it or don't have it on that day. So, we are operating within those guidelines for sure. Thank you for mentioning that.
Host: Alright and just to remind people PPE is personal protective equipment, but I believe you've also made it even safer by having some online access to the events of the day. Through what channels can people observe it?
Guest: Yeah, so we’ll have a live stream as well so it's a hybrid thing which is really cool we did last year as well so you can follow us at Addict 2 Addict Niagara on our Facebook page or on our WNYIL’s YouTube page as well. And there's also a Facebook page called Lockport Overdose Rally that people could follow as well, for updates leading up to the event.
Host: Well it sounds as though you really have the territory covered but people are still encouraged to come in person because folks like to see that there is a big turnout for events of this sort, if you could remind people again about the date, time and place and if you have a street address for the park that would be terrific also.
Guest: Yeah, so once again it's in Lockport, NY at Veterans Park across from Eastern Niagara Hospital. There's not a physical address, it's actually called Veterans Park, there’s a big monument, you can't miss it. Tt starts at 5:00 p.m. on August 31, which is once again a Tuesday, and ends around 8:00 p.m. with the flameless candlelight vigil. People are encouraged to come out, it’s something special that happens on this day, in the celebrated community and coming together for such a good cause. It's just very important, it's grown so much over five years.
Host: Wonderful, I'm sure that people are likely to have some questions before the 31st, if you could tell people how they can get in touch with either a few folks.
Guest: Yeah, no problem they can contact our Addict 2 Addict Niagara program at 716-398-4333, that’s a 24-7 hotline. We also provide Narcan training to those that are requesting it if they can't make it to that event, or any addiction resources they need it all.
Host: It's been wonderful having you and next time you're here, you better stop monopolizing the conversation so much, that's a joke! Thank you so much for being with us and looking forward to your event.
Guest: Thank you, Ernie.
Host: You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guests have been Douglas Fisher and Yahida Perez, both Addict 2 Addict Niagara Peer Support Specialists at ILNC, and your host has been yours truly, Ernie Churchwell.