Independent Perspective 1711 with guest Nanette D Massey about her "Moving Beyond 'White Fragility': Honest and Effective Conversations About Race"
Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Nanette D. Massey, Workshop Facilitator, Anti-racist and Diversity Trainer and my name is Ernie Churchill, I'm your host. Welcome to the program Ms. Massey.
Guest: Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Host: It's our pleasure. You're here because four different organizations in the greater Batavia area, want you to present on a topic very important to our times. Those organizations are the Genesee Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming or GLOW Women Rise, the YWCA of Genesee County, the Rotary Club of Batavia and our sister organization of WNYIL, the Independent Living of the Genesee Region. And could you tell us what you are calling this event and we'll go from there.
Guest: Alright, well, I do a three-and-a-half-hour workshop based on Robin DiAngelo's book, “White Fragility, why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism”. And I call my workshop Moving BEYOND “White Fragility”: Honest & Effective Conversations About Race. Now her premise in her book, in Robyn DiAngelo’s book is that too much of the conversation about race is predicated on the feelings of preserving the feelings of white people. And Robin says, you know, this isn't a comfortable conversation. And that in order for us to really move forward, everybody needs to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It's not you know; a little discomfort isn't going to kill anybody. So, what I do is I have people read the book before the workshop. And then of course, the title of my workshop Moving BEYOND White Fragility. So, I look at the ideas in the book, and I come up with stories, real boots on the ground stories to illustrate the ideas in the book. And I show white people that, you know, a little discomfort isn't going to kill you. And here is how it moves the conversation so much more forward for you and for the non-white people, in your in your sphere, in your space.
Host: Terrific. Before we run out of time, if you could let people know the date, time and place that your workshop will occur.
Guest: All right, it is Thursday, September 8, at Genesee County Community College. And if you go to and search the words white fragility, you'll find all the information that you need on how to register for the workshop. Its registration is $10. And that $10 includes a copy of the book so that you’ll have a chance to read it and be prepared before September 8th.
Host: Terrific. I believe that they have a preferred number to call for people that want more information at the YWCA. Do you have that, or you want me to give it?
Guest: If you would, please.
Host: Very good. YWCA of Genesee County can give more information at 585-343-5808, extension 15. And I dare say that considering all that's been happening in recent weeks, especially at the Tops Market on the East Side of Buffalo this is definitely a conversation that needs to take place. And you have some notoriety as an author and as a discussion leader and you've been on a number of local TV and radio programs. So, there may be some people that know your name already. who are listening to this.
Guest: I certainly hope so. But this is a great chance to meet me for the first time and find out what I'm really talking about. And, and like I said really get into how to have conversations that really move things forward instead of just everybody being stuck and embarrassed.
Host: You can also connect to the Eventbrite page by going to her website and click on the events link. Well Nanette thank you so much for being with us.
Guest: Thank you for having me.
Host: You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest was Nanette D. Massey, Workshop Facilitator, Anti-racism and Diversity Trainer and I'm your host Ernie Churchwell.