Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Lisa Maria Cruz, Mental Health PEER Connection (MHPC) Outreach Coordinator and I'm your host Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program, Lisa. Maria.
Guest: Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.
Host: It's our pleasure. And our regular listeners are familiar with you because you have been the voice of authority for a number of different events and activities that MHPC does but we're actually revisiting something that you discussed several months ago because there has been a hiatus and a change. First, to give people the big picture, MHPC has a number of support groups for the community, both virtual and live. Could you sum up those please?
Guest: Sure. We have six virtual support groups that meet up and so they are A Journey to Healing; Building Foundations of Recovery; Hand & Hand; MICA (Mental Illness Chemical Addiction) Group; of course, my virtual Open Mic; and Walk with Me. So those are all virtual support groups. And then we also have some groups that are meeting in person. We have the Hope Heals Family Support Group; In-Person Smart Recovery; Healing Families; Wellness for All Group; Depression, Anxiety, OCD and Bipolar Support Group. So, I know I did list a lot of information. So, one thing that I will definitely say is that you can always reach out to me if you have any questions about our support groups.
Host: And could you quickly mention your phone number?
Guest: My phone number is 716-836-0822 extension 520, and that will get you to me directly.
Host: All right. Well, I'll ask you to repeat that at the end of the program in case people didn't have a pencil handy. But you're here because there's one of these groups that you've been in charge of personally and it's been going on for a year or two as a virtual group. But you were on hiatus and it's coming back with some changes. Can you tell us what's going on with the Virtual Open Mic Night?
Guest: Sure. So, the Virtual Open Mic: Freedom of Expression. It kicks off on September 1, 2022. And so, the Virtual Open Mic will be meeting on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. So that is a change from the previous dates and times that it was meeting so from now on we'll meet the first and third Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. And so, if individuals are interested in attending the group, they can shoot me an email at, so they can contact me and I would be more than happy to send them the link so that they can be a part of our group.
Host: And what would you say that in brief the purpose of Open Mic Night is in terms of people's mental health interests?
Guest: Well, I would say the Virtual Open Mic, it's a friendly space. It's an avenue of support. So, I know that during COVID, a lot of people are really undergoing a great deal of stress. So, the Virtual Open Mic is definitely an opportunity to get support from other individuals and to express ourselves artistically.
Host: Alright, and our time is rapidly coming to a close if you could remind people of your phone number one more.
Guest: Sure, my phone number is 716-836-0822 extension 520. And you can feel free to contact me regarding the Virtual Open Mic or any of the support groups that I had mentioned.
Host: Oh, that sounds like an exciting way for people who want to pursue that particular avenue for mental health, and we're delighted that you're willing to provide that. Thanks so much for being with us today.
Guest: Thank you so much for having me and sharing this information with the community.
Host: Our pleasure. You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest today has been Lisa Maria Cruz, MHPC Outreach Coordinator, and I've been your host Ernie Churchwell.