Independent Perspective 1699 with Frank Cammarata discussing various aid and resources available to the community in dealing with the tragic Tops shooting from this past weekend.
Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Frank Cammarata, Executive Director of the Erie County Office for People with Disabilities. And I'm your host Ernie Churchwell, welcome to the program Frank.
Guest: Thank you.
Host: Our pleasure to have you. Unless somebody has been really out of town for the last week, they have no doubt heard of the tragic mass shooting at the Tops market on Jefferson Avenue on the east side of Buffalo that has left the community reeling. Because the mental health of our entire community is of interest to WNYIL, we were very pleased to hear that Erie County is assembling a bunch of resources and supports for people in the community to deal with the trauma of this situation. If you could give us the details, please.
Guest: Sure, Ernie, there's, as you're probably aware, there are a number of governmental as well as non-governmental entities involved with this, keeping in mind that this was an incident that occurred in the city of Buffalo so the city of Buffalo is primary in response as well as the state and federal authorities but Erie County is providing services and assistance through its Department of Mental Health Department of Social Services, and Office for Health Equity. The county is providing free mental health counseling at the Johnnie B Wiley Center at 1100 Jefferson Avenue on Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 18 to Friday, May the 27th. Counseling is being provided by partners through Crisis Services, Spectrum Behavioral Health and Endeavor. And there's also spiritual counseling being provided by the American Red Cross and local faith leaders. And they'll also be free food distribution at the Johnnie B Wiley Center from 1:00 until 9:00 p.m. today, Wednesday the 18th through the 27th. Food is being provided by Feed More Western New York at the Resource Center on 347 East Ferry. Again, there's going to be free food distribution every day from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. through Friday the 27th. Again, the county is also providing language line interpretation services for a number of the people who are not being non-English speaking. The county, Erie County District Attorney's office is providing assistance through the New York State Office for Victim Services funds as well as Federal Bureau of Investigation New York State Office for Victim Services, Buffalo Police Department etc. And if people want to make monetary donations that's available businesses that are organizations can make monetary donations. We ask that you contact the Buffalo Niagara partnership and help Buffalo and the or call 716-541-1701 or to help volunteer because we've seen a number of people, there have been a number of really terrific citizens coming out to volunteer and pass out food and just console. If you're looking to volunteer, you could send an email to Again, that's So that's the information that I have for you, Ernie, I hope that helps. And hopefully Buffalo will heal.
Host: Well, we certainly hope so. And I must say I'm impressed by the efforts of you and your associates at the county to make all these resources these community organizations, these businesses, these volunteers cooperate in helping the community because this has been devastating. When Buffalo leads all the network newscasts on a weekend, you know that this is something of great consequence. And as you see it's if there's any a community that could need healing in the event of horrendous, hate based crimes such as this. It's certainly us. We thank you so much for being with us and providing all that contact information Frank.
Guest: Thank you.
Host: You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest today was Frank Cammarata, Executive Director of the Erie County Office for People with Disabilities and I've been your host Ernie Churchwell.