Independent Perspective 1722 with Stephanie Speaker about her effort to pass the statewide Paratransit Expansion Act.
Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Stephanie Speaker who is a grassroots self advocate for people with disabilities, seniors and veterans. I’m your host Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program, Stephanie.
Guest: Thank you.
Host: For the last several years you have been what some probably would consider a force of nature in your pursuit of the Paratransit Expansion Act that you have proposed but first to give people some background, what is paratransit?
Guest: Paratransit is a bus that the NFTA runs. It comes curb to curb so you don’t have to step up.
Host: And it's got a wheelchair lift for people that have mobility disabilities, right?
Guest: Yes, it does, it has a lift and people with disabilities, veterans and seniors can ride that bus.
Host: Alright. And why do you have need of paratransit services?
Guest: Because I epilepsy and I also have asthma.
Host: Ah, alright, and what is it about paratransit that you want to change? What is it now and what would you like it to be?
Guest: I'm trying to change the thing that paratransit does right now. It goes three quarters of a mile. And if you don't live three quarters of a mile of a fixed route, and you can't get them. So I'm trying to get them, if my bill passes, it's going to make go three miles from a fixed route.
Host: Alright, so just to clarify, at present in order to use paratransit your starting point and ending point have to be within three quarters of a mile of a fixed route NFTA bus route, and you'd like it to be three miles from the route so that would include a great many additional people, especially in places like Niagara County that only have a couple of bus routes. What steps have you taken and who has helped you?
Guest: Right now, Michael P. Kearns, the Erie County clerk is the one guy that helped me get it started when he was an Assemblyman in 2014. He got out in 2017 of being in the assembly. So now Senator Kennedy has my bill. I got $750,000 from Senator Kennedy from the governor. Buffalo was chosen to do a study here to see how much it’s going to cost. Because my whole bill is for the whole entire state.
Host: Well, by any chance is this an effort that our listeners could help with?
Guest: Yes, they can help me, and they can call their assembly people and their senators and ask them to co-sponsor A3181 and S5092. My numbers will be changing in December on the 31st.
Host: Well, you've been at this for eight years, but it sounds like there’s finally steps being made toward progress. I bet you there are some people that don't have a pencil to write down those bill numbers and they'd like to talk to you about it. How can they reach you?
Guest: They can reach me at 716-387-1888 or they can email me at
Host: Alright, and if you could repeat the phone number once more.
Guest: My phone number is 716-387-1888 and that’s my cell phone number so you can call me.
Host: Alright, well, thank you so much for being with us, Stephanie.
Guest: Okay, thank you Ernie.
Host: You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest has been Stephanie Speaker, a grassroots self-advocate for people with disabilities. And I've been your host Ernie Churchwell.