The Renewal Center expansion of hours

Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a Public Affairs program of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is Carlotta Culver, peer support specialist at The Renewal Center, which is a service of Mental Health PEER Connection (MHPC). I'm your host, Ernie Churchwell, and apologies that I'm just getting through a cold, and so do not have my usual sonorous tones. 

In any case, there's been an exciting development at The Renewal Center that Carlotta will tell us about, but I'm willing to bet that there are probably some people listening that might not even be aware of the vital function of The Renewal Center. Carlotta, what can you tell us about it? 

Guest: Hey, guys. OK so we're here. We just changed our hours. We are now 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and we're running on 12 hours a day. 

Host: And this was made possible due to a grant from local business I believe. 

Guest: Yes. We're hoping that this will be a big change and to make a big difference in the community now that our hours are extended because a lot of people are having a hard time getting out here from 3:00 to 11:00. 

Host: And so, what are those new hours? 

Guest: Again, it is 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and we also have transportation available to those in need. 

Host: When you say 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., you mean all morning? 

Guest: 12:00 p.m. yes, so 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. I apologize about that. 

Host: OK. Well, hey, easiest thing to do. But so, people realize the importance of that, could you tell us just what The Renewal Center does for people with mental health situations or who are in crisis? 

Guest: So, we offer peer centered support for those with mental health crisis, it is a crisis defined as. So, whenever you are in need, you can call in or just stop by. 

Host: Alright and so you don't need to RSVP in order to take advantage of the service or anything? 

Guest: No. When you feel that you're in need and you have a mental health crisis arising, you can just give us a call and say, hey, I just need to chat for a bit or give us a call and say, hey, can I come in? And if you're unable to get yourself here, we do have transportation available so we can get you right out here. 

Host: All right. And in case people have a question, there's no charge for availing themselves of The Renewal Center’s services are there? 

Guest: There's no charge and we are also a walk-in. We do take walk-ins so you can just come on in. 

Host: Wonderful. So, do you work in tandem with any other service such as the new 3-digit emergency number for people who are dealing with suicide tendencies? 

Guest: We work directly with MHPC and WNYIL. We also, the building that we are in is the Kristen Vincent Respite and Recovery Center. So, we have Spectrum Health Services in our building, and we also have Refreshing Waters Respite that we work with. So, if a person was in need for a longer stay, like overnight or a few days, we will refer them over to Refreshing Waters for extra counseling or more, suicide prevention or more information we'll take them over to Spectrum. And we also have a nurse available on site. 

Host: Wonderful. Oh, and since you tell people that they can just drop in to avail yourself of the services, having your address would be a definite plus. 

Guest: OK. Yes. So, we are at 111 Maple St. Buffalo, NY 14204. The Kristen Vincent Respite and Recovery Center and our telephone number is 716-245-4200. 

Host: Alright. And what's the closest cross street to that? 

Guest: Right here is Michigan and Virginia. 

Host: OK. Well, that gives people a pretty good idea, I dare say. Well, thank you so much for being with us. And you've given us a phone number, so I guess that's pretty much what we need. I thank you very kindly and you have a delightful holiday season. 

Guest: You too, and thanks for having me. 

Host: Our pleasure. You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest today has been Carlotta Culver, a peer support specialist with The Renewal Center, part of MHPC. And I've been your host, Ernie Churchwell.