Transition Planning for Life After High School

Independent Perspective 1753 with April Fearby on the "Transition Planning for Life After High School" Workshop. 

Host: Welcome to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of Western New York Independent Living (WNYIL). Our guest today is April Fearby, the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Program Specialist at Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR). And I am your host, Ernie Churchwell. Welcome to the program, April.  

Guest: Thank you, I’m happy to be here. 

Host: We are delighted to have you. And apologies to the listeners that from my bit of a cold but believe it or not, this is actually better than I was a week ago. So that's saying something. You're here because you have a special event coming up in the very near future for children and youth with special health care needs workshop Could you tell us what it is and what it intends to accomplish? 

Guest: Absolutely. So, transition can be a really difficult time for anyone that has special health care needs or a disability. And right now, we are coming close to the end of the school year where we have a lot of people graduating, and we would also like people to start thinking about the transition, even if they are not graduating this year. So, we are hosting a workshop called Transition Planning for Life after High School. We have guest speakers Laura Hurwitz and Jennifer Cacioppo from the Mid-West School-Age Family and Community Engagement Center (SA FACE Center), or Face Center some people may have heard of. It is going to be next Tuesday, June 13. From 6:00 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. It is a one-time event, we are going to serve a light dinner with it, and it will be here at the Independent Living office in Batavia, but you will be able to get some great resources for different pieces after high school whether it be transitioning to work or transitioning to college transitioning to whatever is next in life. And again, if your kids are not graduating this year, please still think about coming. We want to help you plan ahead for the years that are coming very quickly. 

Host: Oh, and while people are thinking about the particulars, what is the street address of independent living in the Genesee region? 

Guest: It is 319 West Main Street Batavia, New York, and that is 14020. 

Host: Okay, and what time does it take place on June 13? 

Guest: 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. 

Host: Very good and because it is at the dinner hour I believe some food will be provided? 

Guest: Yes, it will be a light dinner provided. So, we do ask for a pre-registration. I know you're hearing this on Sunday. So, if you can let me know Monday morning. That would be phenomenal. 

Host: Terrific. You have any specifics on the topics that Laura Hurwitz and Jennifer Cacioppo are going to be speaking on? 

Guest: Yes, they are going to be providing resources on what is next for school, how to get into colleges, how to navigate the career centers and job systems and highlight what resources are out there for whatever is next in your child's life. And we encourage the child themselves to also come. 

Host: Speaking of the child coming, I believe, even have special provision for children that are 12 years old, and just above? 

Guest: Yes, so ages 12 and above may attend, they do need to be accompanied by an adult if they are under 18. And we do say all the way to 12 because we want you to start thinking about planning for what is next after high school at an earlier age. It makes it easier for yourselves and the child that will be transitioning. And it gives you an idea of what is needed at graduation, or you know soon after graduation, how to prepare, what options you have. 

Host: All right, and if you could remind people once more of the date and time and give them a way to contact you if they have any questions. 

Guest: Absolutely. So again, this is Tuesday, June 13, from 6:00 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. here at the Independent Living Center in Batavia and to register or to inquire more about the event, my phone number is 585-815-8501 extension 40. I am going to just say that one more time. 585-815-8501 extension 401. 

Host: Thanks for being with us, April. 

Guest: Thank you for having me. 

Host: You've been listening to Independent Perspective, a public affairs presentation of WNYIL. Our guest today was April Fearby, the CYSHCN Program Specialist at ILGR, and ‘ve been your host, Ernie Churchwell.