Addict 2 Addict, Family 2 Family is a Mental Health PEER Connection (MHPC) Peer-led team serving people with substance abuse disorders and families and loved ones with substance use disorders.
The Addict 2 Addict and Family 2 Family teams are available to adults in Erie County who decide they are “Ready” for recovery and a new life. They are matched with certified and trained Peers, who are in recovery themselves or have family members with substance use disorders, who share their recovery experience with those who want to explore the path to recovery. The Peers help persons dealing with a substance use disorder and their families and loved ones navigate the many avenues they might take toward recovery once they are resolved to change. The Peer informs, advocates, and provides counseling to guide individuals as they take their first steps on the path to recovery. When you are “Ready”, call 716-836-2726 to choose your path of recovery. You may have to leave a message and our team will get back to you.